Our Story

List it came about as an idea while planning a holiday, scrolling through social media applications, saving places to go to, asking friends for recommendation and scrambling everything in my notes, after doing this I found myself googling the places to make a reservation or to navigate where to go that was on my list, but somehow there was something I would miss out on since everything wasn't in one place.

Later this summer, I found myself sharing my lists of recommendations with everyone traveling to destinations I had traveled to, my list was a more trusted source on things to do, where to eat, what to buy based on my personal experiences. Similarly, I found myself asking people for recommendations on what to buy for a new born baby and had many new moms sending me their lists, however there was no way I could take action to these lists. I had to Google their recommendations, later find online links to buy these products, and there was something I would probably miss out on going back and forth. This led to me creating a platform for listing, called List It.

What is list it?

List it, is a platform that allows users to create their lists for various categories, it could be travel, shop in restaurant are ver che thin rite best in their play area to aids if unto the users to add URL links to the items on their list, which leads to call to action, and there's no going back and forth through your notes and then finding the recommendation. It's a platform that allows users to consolidate all their recommendations in one place and share it with friends and family on their profile and all your lists remain in one place for as long as you wish for. Therefore, list it is a one place listing and recommending platform that allows call to action.

So get listing, creating and sharing your recommendations on list it!

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